People mainly tend to use Twitch as either a “How to” guide to get through the hard levels or a way to see a gameplay to help their decision on making that purchase. There are also those who love to stream just to show off their skills, but some of us like to watch for other reasons…to see someone play the games we’re to terrified to play. With Halloween just around the corner, we can’t help but get into spirit by indulging ourselves in a good scare. Check out these 6 games to watch on Twitch because everyone loves to witness someone jump out of their chairs, and it may just be you.
Slender Man: The Arrival
This 2009 meme has had more than its 15 minutes of fame. Through viral campaigning and video game exposure, Slender Man has found a nice home in the horror genre. In this game, you wonder into a forest to find a house and throughout the game you find pages from someone’s diary. Please, if you spot the pages that the streamer doesn’t, help them.
Some players will grumble and start randomly talking about things but they do this cause they’re secretly scared. You’re try to figure out what happened and the only thing you have is a flashlight and video camera to record your findings. You’ll stumble on some old tapes of recorded sightings of Slendy which only add to the scare factor. Trust me, you’ll be agreeing with how the streamer is reacting, too. Or you might be too busy laughing at their reaction, and thankfully, that they can’t see yours.
Your flashlight is your only weapon and on hardcore mode, you’re limited on battery life and there’s no charging it or replacing it. You have to conserve, conserve, conserve! You’ll know when Slendy is near you cause then you’re camera will start glitching and when that happens, the player and most likely yourself, will be freaking out and telling the player to get out of there. So when you see him… scream at the screen for the streamer to run!
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Here’s another game where your only protection is a camera, but this isn’t just any camera, it’s a camera that dispels ghosts when you take their picture correctly, which makes sense on why they named it “Fatal Frame”. You have to keep your distance while taking a good picture so hearing the streamer freak out as they get close is pretty chilling, but essentially, you kinda do have a weapon, at least the player does.
Not only are you roaming around this cursed village but you’re looking for your sister who’s lost in the surrounding area. You’ll be freaking out wondering where all the ghosts are, but at least you wont be distracting the player with your sudden bursts of screams. Of course, before you find your sister have to delve deeper into the village’s history before you suffer the same fate as the villagers. No biggie.
Silent Hills
Even though this game was cancelled (booo), it’s still worth watching. The scare factor on this is through the roof! Waking up in an unknown room leading to an unknown house is creepy enough, but the fact that things slowly evolve while you explore will only continue to freak you and the streamer out.
The house changes, the atmosphere changes, and you get more insight on what’s going on, and it’s not pretty. Noises start to come up, locked doors become unlocked, and suddenly you feel like you’re not alone. Well technically you’re not cause you’re watching someone else get freaked out. If you find the right player to watch, they’ll point out differences in each run through of the house. The best part is when the player starts screaming, it just adds a domino effect on you.
Nothing says fun like being a mentally unstable cop who sees gruesome visions, being framed for murdering his colleagues and having a vendetta on catching a crazed serial killer. Not to mention, psychopaths are trying to kill you as well.
Watching this on Twitch is like watching crime shows only more morbid and twisted. You might as well be in the game with how crazy accurate this first person role is. Try not to freak out too much cause there might be times where you try to physically defend yourself, but remember, it’s only just a game.
Amnesia: Dark Decent
Having amnesia is scary, but this game takes it to another level. You wake up in a castle with a note next to you, written by yourself, stating that you have to go deeper into the castle and find someone in particular to murder. Thanks me, you’re so helpful. At least you won’t be going at this alone.
Keep in mind that there’s something hunting you, and you’re only weapon is to hide. Did I also mention that if you stay in the shadows, stare at a monster, or witness a horrid event too long, it will cause you to loose your sanity, causing hallucinations, which in turn makes you vulnerable to the monsters? You’ll be too busy hiding under covers or screaming at the screen telling the player where to go. Sorry, but it doesn’t work that way.
But there’s hope! You can restore your sanity by two ways: light from the oil lantern you hold, candelabras throughout the game (of course there’s limited tinder boxes), or passing out by hiding in the shadows too long. Your choice. It’s like watching a scary movie and yelling at the characters what to do, only at least here they’ll take your advice into consideration. That is if you can come out of the covers long enough to message them that.
Five Nights at Freddy’s
No big deal, you’re just a security guard at a kid’s pizza restaurant. Sounds like a simple gig for the week. The only catch is that you’re stuck in a small office with two entrances and the animatronics’ goal is to kill you and stuff you in a big furry costume costume.
There’s been “budget cuts” so you have to survive each night with limited amount of power, closing the door drains the power, and your only point of defense is watching their movement on several monitors to outlast the night, but that drains power too. No worries, the more progress you make, the more animatronics tend to pop up. Not hard right?
You can try to help the player out. You see something? Tell them. You have a pretty good prediction where they’ll show up? Tell them. You just want them to close the door to ease your nerves? Tell them but no guarantees that they’ll listen. Also, if you run out of power then all the lights turn off and the doors stay open. You have to survive six hours of this for five nights, hope you’re good with counting!